A beginning with no end...
"Why am I like this? " and " Do I really want to spend rest of my Life like this? " were two frequent questions, I use to get troubled with. Intensity of thoughts suppressed every time, even though I never try to suppress them consciously. When anxiety at cliff, I, either read spiritual books, watch some inspirational or motivational video or register for "Past Life Regression Therapy". When intensity comes down (or suffering is reduced), I defer my plan to be regressed or to know myself and got involved with drama of life. As Norman Cousins said, "Death is not the greatest loss in life. The greatest loss is what dies inside us while we live. " Gradually but steadily, I was killing what was inside me! However, June 14, 2018 was different! Same two questions were exploding in my mind with much higher frequency. As usual, I had no definite answer. Contrary to past, anxiety was not decreasing, annoying me, like never before. From m...